Medication Interactions...
Is your child taking medications that interact with each other?
Our son's psychiatrist prescribed Prozac while he was taking Risperdal. After we started him on the Prozac we then phased him off of the Risperdal.
The psychiatrist then told us to add Benadryl because our son was having troubles sleeping. He also wrote a prescription for Trazodone for us to get filled if the Benadryl doesn't help but because I really don't want to give him another medicine I decided not to get that prescription filled just yet.
So, the pharmacist put the Trazodone prescription on hold in the computer so that we can get it filled in the future if we decide to.
My husband went to the pharmacy today to get a refill of the Prozac and Clonazepam that our son is currently taking.
The pharmacist told my husband that our son absolutely could not take both Risperdal and Prozac because the medicine interaction is very bad. My husband responded that it was okay as our son was no longer taking the Risperdal.
The pharmacist made my husband sign a paper that said that the pharmacist made him aware of these serious drug interactions. It was the only way the pharmacist would even let my husband have the Prozac refill.
Here's the frightening part...
We filled our son's original Prozac prescription on November 22 2005. He was already taking Risperdal which was prescribed by the doctor and filled by the pharmacy, right along with his Prozac.
The pharmacist NEVER said anything about any medication interaction and let us have the Prozac with no questions asked!
Our son took both medications until we had him weaned off of the Risperdal and no one, the doctor nor the pharmacist, caught this dangerous combination.
We didn't want him on the Risperdal and it's the only reason he's not on it now. We told the psychiatrist we didn't want him on it so he had us wean him off of it, yet he didn't catch the potential problems with our son taking both Risperdal and Prozac.
Here's an even scarier part...
I decided to check for drug interactions with Trazodone and the other medications he's taking and my heart dropped when I found that there are dangerous interactions between Trazodone and Prozac!
The ONLY reason our son is not on both Trazodone and Prozac right now is because I wanted to avoid putting him on another medication (Trazodone). Otherwise he'd be taking this dangerous combination right now and suffering who knows what terrible interactions!
I learned my lesson today. Now when I do my online research on medications that the doctors want to put our son on, I will ALWAYS look for drug interactions as well.
As soon as I can wean him off of these terrible psychiatric medications I'm going to start with some natural remedies. Several parents have emailed me to tell me about Native Remedies, a website that has natural remedies for all kinds of things, INCLUDING Asperger's Syndrome symptoms, and they work!

I'd love to hear what you have to say about the natural products you use. Please use the "Contact Us" button in the left hand navigation column and tell us what's worked and what hasn't... :)
I only wish I'd been savvy to this before I allowed my son to be put on those synthetic, man-made medications/poisons.
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If You're Feeling Worried or Confused About Asperger's Syndrome Then This May Be The Most Critically Important Website You'll Ever Read... I am here to empower parents and assist them in starting to enjoy their amazing children. Our children are individuals before they are their label.
I have over thirteen years experience with ASD / Aspergers / Autism, both as a mother and as a consultant to parents, as well as holding the academic qualifications as 'Post Grad Cert in Advanced Disabilities Studies'. I am currently working on my Masters Degree In Human Services. | | A Complete Resource Guide For Parents Who Have Children Diagnosed With Aspergers Syndrome Dave Angel is a social worker with families who have children on the Autistic Spectrum and is the author of a new e-book that answers the 46 most asked questions by parents of children with Asperger’s.
To claim your free 7 day Mini-Course for parents of children with Asperger’s Syndrome please click here. | | | | 
Wonderful Autism Apps / Applications ... and ... some of my favorite books and other goodies
Books that I'm currently reading
I'm so tickled that authors have been contacting me and asking me to review their new books for them!
For as much time as I spend researching Asperger's Syndrome this website should have thousands of pages but because my son has Asperger's Syndrome I find that the things I want to work on very often are not the things that I have to work on so I'm still not able to spend as much time on it as I'd like to.
As he heads into adulthood (he turned 18 on Dec 13 and yes I need to update some things at my website such as my home page that says he's 17) I'm finding that I have even less time on my hands as I spend more time trying to master the puzzle of how to help him transition into "life after high school".
That's where Autism Tomorrow: The Complete Guide To Help Your Child Thrive In The Real World comes in. It's a guide to help your kids after high school. You'll find parts of the book will be applicable and some won't depending on your child's current age. Although the title implies "Autism after high school" there is still quite a bit in there about what to do before your child hits "real life". But overall a helpful book.
Please contact me if you'd like to send a copy of your book to me for review. I would absolutely love it!
Fiction, Non-fiction, Auto-Biographies, Instructional books, etc. I'm interested in them all. :) And if you autograph it that would be SUPER cool! ;)